【櫻花16q808a】Dance interpretation of Tang Dynasty black

During the Tang Dynasty,櫻花16q808a black glaze was not produced through direct firing. Instead, artisans applied multiple layers of glaze, gradually deepening the color until an accidental depth of black was achieved. This meticulous process made black-glazed pieces extremely rare.。The 黑料門-今日黑料-最新足球寶貝black-glazed horse figurine is a treasured artifact of the Luoyang Museum in central China’s Henan Province. Excavated from the tomb of An Pu and his wife at Longmen in Luoyang, this sculpture features a distinctive black glaze achieved through a unique firing technique.。http://recordcdn.quklive.com/upload/vod/user1587016609771948/1740710229853372/origin.mp4。黑料熱點事件 吃瓜 網曝

【櫻花16q808a】Dance interpretation of Tang Dynasty black

In 2019, the directors of “Xianwuren Studio”?brought the black-glazed horse to life on stage in their dance production “Tricolors Alongside the Yellow River”, infusing this ancient relic with new vitality and artistic expression through dance.。

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