- 電 話:86 022 69416978
- 傳 真:86 010 63803121
- 地 址:天津寧河鎮政府北200米
- 手 機:13642036591
- QQ號碼:363615790
咨詢電話北京工廠電話010-63856889 天津工廠電話022-69416978 13642036591或EMAIL---biqing10@sina.com;聯系人蘇先生,13366752361 www.chinaqingjie.com Skype:biqing100 MSN:biqing100@hotmail.com QQ:363615790
BQG-52: copper, aluminum alloy steel parts rust liquid
Acidic aqueous solution of moderate intensity. Applied to copper, aluminum alloy steel parts with rust. When immersed at room temperature 10-30 minutes, remove the hot wash, cold water沖凈, drying can be.
Tel 北京工廠電話010-63856889 天津工廠電話022-69416978 13642036591 or EMAIL---biqing10@sina.com; contact Mr. Su, 13366752361 www.chinaqingjie.com Skype: biqing100 MSN: biqing100@hotmail.com QQ: 363615790